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Sharing with You The Gifts Of Health & Wealth

Monday, June 8, 2009

Business Opportunity

Seize the Opportunity NOW!

3 main reasons why you should seize this golden opportunity and join us NOW!

1. Company - Proven Stability
- Naturally Plus were voted as Japan’s Top 10 most competitive enterprises of the 21st century. - Naturally Plus were also ranked the 4th most successful enterprise out of 100,000 enterprises that contributed to the economic recovery of Japan.
- The company is also a large successful Japanese enterprise with zero debt, in similar 3A financial rating as Toyota.
- Honest management & financial stability are the factors for continuous growth.
- market potential: venturing into 120 countries.

2. Product - Unique
- Super Lutein is the Top Selling Health Supplement in the world.
- The formula in Super Lutein will be improved and upgraded every 2 years
- Strong R&D department to ensure the competitiveness of Super Lutein

3. System - Successful business models
- The system has been implemented for 10 years, and still generating abundance income for members and the company is stronger than ever.
- a reliable and credible international business venture

Contact us to get more details on the business model and let us share with you this gifts of health and wealth.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Super Lutein

What’s "Super Lutein" ?

Super Lutein is a Functional Nutritional Food produced with the Golden Ratio & Perfect Formulation of 6 most important carotenoids and 5 most essential nutrients needed by the human body. You do not need to pay 6 or 7 hundreds dollars to separately buy a variety of health products. You just need 1 bottle of Super Lutein to maintain the most essential nutrition (11 kinds of nutrients that could not be produced by human body) needed daily by your body.

6 most important carotenoids
Carotenoids are the main composition of Super Lutein. This includes pigment composition in plants, which has been widely acclaimed in recent years as a vital component in disease prevention and healthy living.

A type of carotenoid, lutein is stored in the eyes and skin. Cabbage, the ingredient for “green juice” and spinach, a type of yellow green vegetable, are rich in lutein. Lutein is a powerful anti-oxidant and can prevent the harmful fats in the retina from over-oxidation, as well as absorb blue rays, preventing the retina from damages.

Zeaxanthin has characteristics very similar to that of lutein. It is a member of the yellow orange pigment and is found in large quantities in plants such as maize and Japanese sweet “Fuyu” persimmon, as well as green tea, egg yolk, animal fats and the liver.Through the process of metabolism, lutein is transformed into zeaxanthin, both of which are stored in the yellow spot area of the eyes. The latest research shows that lutein and zeaxanthin are located in different areas of the retina. The centre of the yellow spot has a higher ratio of zeaxanthin, while the periphery is mainly lutein.

- Carotene & β - Carotene
Both α- and β- carotene are found in the yellow and orange colour pigments of carrots and pumpkin. As they are safe in nature, they have been used as a colour addictive in foods, drinks and cosmetics since ancient times. Carotenes will be transformed into vitamin A according to the needs of the body. As they are important to the body, specialists have been actively conducting research on them for many years. Carotenes that have not undergone transformation have greater anti-oxidation effects.

Lycopene is found in the red colour pigments of tomatoes. When turning ripe under the sun, tomatoes protect themselves from the sunlight by producing lycopene.Like lutein, lycopene has anti-oxidation effects.There is a saying in Europe: “When tomatoes turn red, doctor’s faces turn green”. From this we can see that tomatoes and a healthy life are closely related. Processed foods can release the benefits of lycopene better than fresh vegetables, and as lycopene is fat soluble, adding a little oil when cooking can enhance the absorption of lycopene by the body.

Crocetin is found in the fruit of Cape jasmine and the stamen and pistil of saffron. It is both fat and water soluble. Its most striking feature is its tiny molecular volume, which makes it easily absorbed by the body. It can penetrate into tissue fibers that are different to be reached by other carotenoids, no wonder researchers worldwide are now conducting in-depth studies on the benefits of crocetin.

5 Most Essential Nutrients

Blueberry Extract

Blueberries are very capable of absorbing free radicals. It can also reduce free radicals on the cell membrane, DNA and other cellular damage. Blueberries also can prevent disorders in the body and a number of old age diseases. . Blueberries contain a lot of potassium to help maintain the body's fluid balance, normal blood pressure and heart function. The anthocyanins in blueberries can improve visual acuity; regulate the eye fatigue and increase the rhodopsin re-synthesis. The anthocyanins that found in Blueberry have strong antioxidant, may help to prevent arterial plaque formation and a variety of cancers, and may reduce the risk of contracting cancer, reduce heart disease, delay aging; and also increase resistance to infectious diseases.

Black Currants

Black currants, an excellent source of antioxidants, contain higher concentrations of Vitamin C, Potassium (K), Iron (Fe), Organic Acids and Phenolic Compounds (Vitamin P Complex/ Bioflavanoids) and Anthocyanins than most other fruits.

Black currants are credited with outstanding health benefits, including high Vitamin C content, up to 5 times that of oranges by weight. They have twice the potassium of bananas and twice the antioxidants of blueberries. The antioxidants, essential fatty acids and potassium in black currants have anti-inflammatory impact, reducing the effects of arthritis, and anti-oxidant action, shown to help prevent cancer.


The original name of DHA is the Docose Hexaenoic Acid, which is highly essential fatty acid within the brain and also belongs to the Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid. DHA is able to prevent the cholesterol deposition in the blood vessel wall and also to prevent or reduces atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease occurred. The most important is the vital role of DHA in a brain cells. It except can prevent the cholesterol sediment on blood vessel wall; prevent or alleviate atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease occurred but most important is the DHA has a vital function on brain cells. It is extremely advantageous to the Cranial nerve conduction and synaptic development. Not only this, DHA also is important components of the brain and retina, in the human cerebral cortex is content as high as 20% of the retina and in the eye is about 50%.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E are widely distributed in nature and vitamin E-rich foods: wheat germ, soybeans, vegetable oils, nuts, Brussels sprouts, green leafy vegetables, spinach, add nutrients flour, whole wheat, not refined products of cereals, eggs. In recent years, there are two types of vitamin E; synthetic and natural, the both are effective but the natural vitamin E is easier to absorb for human body. The natural vitamin E can retention longer time in human tissue, the effect may be double up compare with synthesis vitamin E.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex is a group of water-soluble organic compounds. Their main role of it is to increase human’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, protein, to create red blood cells, to re-oxidize, and helped the operation of the nerve and muscle. Vitamin B complex can also adjust the body's heat. However, if a lack of vitamin B complex, the metabolism of the body shape can be disorderly. Even it has taken several of nutrients equally, but without any Vitamin B complex all nutrition is unable to use fully and cell is unable to metabolize a new protein. The vitamin B complex will be able to burn all the protein, fat, carbohydrates and turn into heat.