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Sharing with You The Gifts Of Health & Wealth

Monday, June 8, 2009

Business Opportunity

Seize the Opportunity NOW!

3 main reasons why you should seize this golden opportunity and join us NOW!

1. Company - Proven Stability
- Naturally Plus were voted as Japan’s Top 10 most competitive enterprises of the 21st century. - Naturally Plus were also ranked the 4th most successful enterprise out of 100,000 enterprises that contributed to the economic recovery of Japan.
- The company is also a large successful Japanese enterprise with zero debt, in similar 3A financial rating as Toyota.
- Honest management & financial stability are the factors for continuous growth.
- market potential: venturing into 120 countries.

2. Product - Unique
- Super Lutein is the Top Selling Health Supplement in the world.
- The formula in Super Lutein will be improved and upgraded every 2 years
- Strong R&D department to ensure the competitiveness of Super Lutein

3. System - Successful business models
- The system has been implemented for 10 years, and still generating abundance income for members and the company is stronger than ever.
- a reliable and credible international business venture

Contact us to get more details on the business model and let us share with you this gifts of health and wealth.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Super Lutein

What’s "Super Lutein" ?

Super Lutein is a Functional Nutritional Food produced with the Golden Ratio & Perfect Formulation of 6 most important carotenoids and 5 most essential nutrients needed by the human body. You do not need to pay 6 or 7 hundreds dollars to separately buy a variety of health products. You just need 1 bottle of Super Lutein to maintain the most essential nutrition (11 kinds of nutrients that could not be produced by human body) needed daily by your body.

6 most important carotenoids
Carotenoids are the main composition of Super Lutein. This includes pigment composition in plants, which has been widely acclaimed in recent years as a vital component in disease prevention and healthy living.

A type of carotenoid, lutein is stored in the eyes and skin. Cabbage, the ingredient for “green juice” and spinach, a type of yellow green vegetable, are rich in lutein. Lutein is a powerful anti-oxidant and can prevent the harmful fats in the retina from over-oxidation, as well as absorb blue rays, preventing the retina from damages.

Zeaxanthin has characteristics very similar to that of lutein. It is a member of the yellow orange pigment and is found in large quantities in plants such as maize and Japanese sweet “Fuyu” persimmon, as well as green tea, egg yolk, animal fats and the liver.Through the process of metabolism, lutein is transformed into zeaxanthin, both of which are stored in the yellow spot area of the eyes. The latest research shows that lutein and zeaxanthin are located in different areas of the retina. The centre of the yellow spot has a higher ratio of zeaxanthin, while the periphery is mainly lutein.

- Carotene & β - Carotene
Both α- and β- carotene are found in the yellow and orange colour pigments of carrots and pumpkin. As they are safe in nature, they have been used as a colour addictive in foods, drinks and cosmetics since ancient times. Carotenes will be transformed into vitamin A according to the needs of the body. As they are important to the body, specialists have been actively conducting research on them for many years. Carotenes that have not undergone transformation have greater anti-oxidation effects.

Lycopene is found in the red colour pigments of tomatoes. When turning ripe under the sun, tomatoes protect themselves from the sunlight by producing lycopene.Like lutein, lycopene has anti-oxidation effects.There is a saying in Europe: “When tomatoes turn red, doctor’s faces turn green”. From this we can see that tomatoes and a healthy life are closely related. Processed foods can release the benefits of lycopene better than fresh vegetables, and as lycopene is fat soluble, adding a little oil when cooking can enhance the absorption of lycopene by the body.

Crocetin is found in the fruit of Cape jasmine and the stamen and pistil of saffron. It is both fat and water soluble. Its most striking feature is its tiny molecular volume, which makes it easily absorbed by the body. It can penetrate into tissue fibers that are different to be reached by other carotenoids, no wonder researchers worldwide are now conducting in-depth studies on the benefits of crocetin.

5 Most Essential Nutrients

Blueberry Extract

Blueberries are very capable of absorbing free radicals. It can also reduce free radicals on the cell membrane, DNA and other cellular damage. Blueberries also can prevent disorders in the body and a number of old age diseases. . Blueberries contain a lot of potassium to help maintain the body's fluid balance, normal blood pressure and heart function. The anthocyanins in blueberries can improve visual acuity; regulate the eye fatigue and increase the rhodopsin re-synthesis. The anthocyanins that found in Blueberry have strong antioxidant, may help to prevent arterial plaque formation and a variety of cancers, and may reduce the risk of contracting cancer, reduce heart disease, delay aging; and also increase resistance to infectious diseases.

Black Currants

Black currants, an excellent source of antioxidants, contain higher concentrations of Vitamin C, Potassium (K), Iron (Fe), Organic Acids and Phenolic Compounds (Vitamin P Complex/ Bioflavanoids) and Anthocyanins than most other fruits.

Black currants are credited with outstanding health benefits, including high Vitamin C content, up to 5 times that of oranges by weight. They have twice the potassium of bananas and twice the antioxidants of blueberries. The antioxidants, essential fatty acids and potassium in black currants have anti-inflammatory impact, reducing the effects of arthritis, and anti-oxidant action, shown to help prevent cancer.


The original name of DHA is the Docose Hexaenoic Acid, which is highly essential fatty acid within the brain and also belongs to the Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acid. DHA is able to prevent the cholesterol deposition in the blood vessel wall and also to prevent or reduces atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease occurred. The most important is the vital role of DHA in a brain cells. It except can prevent the cholesterol sediment on blood vessel wall; prevent or alleviate atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease occurred but most important is the DHA has a vital function on brain cells. It is extremely advantageous to the Cranial nerve conduction and synaptic development. Not only this, DHA also is important components of the brain and retina, in the human cerebral cortex is content as high as 20% of the retina and in the eye is about 50%.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E are widely distributed in nature and vitamin E-rich foods: wheat germ, soybeans, vegetable oils, nuts, Brussels sprouts, green leafy vegetables, spinach, add nutrients flour, whole wheat, not refined products of cereals, eggs. In recent years, there are two types of vitamin E; synthetic and natural, the both are effective but the natural vitamin E is easier to absorb for human body. The natural vitamin E can retention longer time in human tissue, the effect may be double up compare with synthesis vitamin E.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B complex is a group of water-soluble organic compounds. Their main role of it is to increase human’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fat, protein, to create red blood cells, to re-oxidize, and helped the operation of the nerve and muscle. Vitamin B complex can also adjust the body's heat. However, if a lack of vitamin B complex, the metabolism of the body shape can be disorderly. Even it has taken several of nutrients equally, but without any Vitamin B complex all nutrition is unable to use fully and cell is unable to metabolize a new protein. The vitamin B complex will be able to burn all the protein, fat, carbohydrates and turn into heat.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Crocetin is a natural carotenoid dicarboxylic acid that is found in the crocus flower. Crocetin also has a strong effect on blood circulation. Based on the non-toxic side effects and the good anti-cancer activeness of the crocetin, it caused crocetin becoming more and more important.

Crocetin can use for relieve pain, blood detoxification and long-term use can improve the effectiveness of the body's immune system. Not only that, crocetin is also improve blood circulation, anti-inflammatory analgesic effect, is also can be use for sedative and eliminate the nerve.

In addition, crocetin can strengthen the physique and improve the function of macrophages, eliminate those viruses around the cell, enhance the immune cell function and enhance resistance to the human body. Crocetin have a strong inhibition for blood cancer, papillary carcinoma, squamous cell tumors and soft tissue sarcoma.

Research proves, crocetin can also improve oxygen supply in myocardial areas. Crocetin contain multiple type of glycoside, glycoside can be increase major blood flow in coronary. Crocetin can improve in microcirculation, bile secretion, and excretion thereby reducing the abnormally high levels of globulin and bilirubin.

The research also discovered that crocetin can be use for some medical treatment of a variety of chronic human diseases. It is because crocetin have effect on blood circulation, anti-inflammatory; enhance the endurance and lymphocyte proliferation in order to improve the cellular immunity and humoral immunity.

In recent years, crocetin have more detailed study in medicinal value and gradually revealed the pharmacological effects. Based on the anti-cancer activity and anti-cancer of crocetin it makes crocetin will become one of the ideal anticancer treatment medicines. Crocetin also play an important role in regulation on the circulatory system, anti-tumor, liver and gallbladder, kidney, immune. Therefore, crocetin will be one of the best anticancer treatment medicines in the 21st century.



The main carotenoids in human blood are β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, α-carotene, β-ryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and other six. In the daily diet can be absorb a lot of carotenoids however, the human retina only select two kinds of nutri

ents that is lutein and zeaxanthin. They are highly concentrated in the macular area, which is responsible for the fine visual. Carotenoids are here for the performance of the deep yellow dots, also known as ‘macular pigment’. The zeaxanthin contains richly in the red pepper and Chinese wolfberry.

However, in the human body after taken the carotenoid,

must carry by the high quality cholesterol through the penetration pate barrier to attain the retina. Lutein and zeaxanthin reduced the blue light screening effects; limit the reactive oxygen cause by photochemical effect. The active oxygen is effect by the endogenous or exogenous light-sensitive. General carotenoids or specific lutein and zeaxanthin have the essential nature of the direct power to remove these damaging reactive oxygen species.

Zeaxanthin and zeaxanthin of contain 11 conjugated double bonds, it is better to remove the singlet oxygen. From the point of view, the strongest incident has generated the most active oxygen in the center of macular.

If lack of lutein and zeaxanthin, it would lead to AMD (age-related macular degeneration), blindness, cataracts, astigmatism, presbyopia, the pseudo-myopia, eyestrain, and so have different degrees of illness. As mentioned above, lutein and zeaxanthin are important nutrients in macular area. When the lutein and zeaxanthin is enough, the macular area will be able to see things clearly and convey to the brain.

In the retinal macular there is a wealth of the carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin, may protect the nerve damage. However, this two components of the human body cannot produce their own, must absorb from the fruits and vegetables. Zeaxanthin is the isomer of lutein, therefore it have important function to the human body, retina and macular. It also can be the same as the blue spectrum ultraviolet filter to prevent free radical damage.

In addition, doctors also knew lutein and zeaxanthin as an endogenous "sunglasses", because they protect the sensitive macular cells from high-energy blue light damage. Therefore confirm that zeaxanthin have protective function for the nerve. We have often heard people say that there are plenty eyesight of the efficacy of, because of the Chinese wolfberry contains a large number of zeaxanthin, can be concentrated in the macula to protect our eyes. Zeaxanthin can also use for anti-aging for the eyes. In addition, zeaxanthin can also suppress the anticancer treatment medicine to human body's side effect, to stimulate the brain cells, enhancing human brain and memory.

Although in the entire kind of carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin is not the best capacity of the antioxidant but due to their hydrophilic nature, it can enter the eye's retina and macular, thereby maintaining the health of the eye. The study also showed that even short-term increase the intake of these two types of carotenoids, will increase the macular pigment. Therefore, enhance confront against harmful substances and related light rays damage.


α-Carotene (Alpha - Carotene)

Alpha-carotene is one of the most abundant carotenoids in the diet. It can be converted in the body to an active form of vitamin A, a nutrient important for vision, immune function, and skin and bone health. Alpha-carotene has less than half the vitamin A activity of the major vitamin A precursor, β-carotene. In addition to being a precursor for vitamin A, alpha-carotene may act as an antioxidants in the body.

Alpha - carotene has proven that it could suppress the lung cancer, liver cancer and skin cancer. There are at least 600 kind of natural carotenes found, however some of them (for example Beta - carotene and so on) can transform in vivo into Vitamin A. As we know, pumpkin and carrot consist not only Beta - carotene, they also includes the massive Alpha - carotene. Even though Alpha - carotene is structurally different with Beta - carotene, but its anticancer treatment effect is much more effective than Beta - carotene. It's clear that Alpha - carotene is effective in anticancer treatment, and its resistance skin cancer's effect is also very obvious. This has proven that Alpha carotene, in cancer prevention is indispensable.

β-carotene (Beta - carotene)

β-carotene is one of the carotenoids and also an Orange fat-soluble compounds. β-carotene also act as an natural color agent. *Carotenoids can absorb the Blu-ray light that is harmful to human and it is also a powerful antioxidant. The experiment proved that carotenoids can protect the retina, and to improve our eye sight.* a lot of natural foods such as: green vegetables, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, papaya, mango and so on ..., there are a rich in of β carotene. β-carotene is an essential nutrient that can antioxidant, detoxification and maintenance of human health. β carotene will be converted into vitamin A in human body. If the body excessive intake of vitamin A it can cause poisoning. Therefore, the body will turn β-carotene into vitamin A when necessary. This made β carotene become a safe origin of vitamin A.

Human eyesight is depends eye fundus of macular, if you do not have enough of β-carotene to protection and support and it will be occurrence of the degenerative diseases turn into night blindness. Although this kind of disease most happen within in the senior citizen, but it can be prevent as long as taken enough of β-carotene. β-carotene is not only in balanced ours nutrition, it also helps people to prevent disease, longevity and improve physical fitness.   

A large number of data confirmed that β-carotene have the exact effect in the prevention of cancer. The free radicals that found in the body is not only damage the proliferation of normal cells and also give rise to distortion and the formation of cancer. The β-carotene is the natural enemy for the free radical. Just like others carotenoids, β-carotene is one kind of antioxidant. If taken those foods that rich in β-carotene may prevent the physical contact and damage from free radical. Research has shown that high doses of β-carotene may reduce people's sensitivity to the sun.

Other effects of β-carotene:

  • like a natural eye drops to help maintain the lubrication of the cornea and transparency, and improve the health of the eye
  • Help cure a variety of eye diseases, including prevention of night blindness, as well as in the eyes of the formation of rhodopsin
  • Is the one of the most effective antioxidants that against free radicals
  • To strengthen the immune system and enhance the resistance
  • To prevent cancer cell division
  • To improve and strengthen the function of respiratory system
  • Reduce the chances for getting cancer and cardiovascular
  • may reduce the incidence of coronary artery disease
  • Enhance the function of reproductive system and urinary system; improve the vitality of the sperm and prevention of prostate disease
  • Reduce the probability in breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon cancer, oral cancer and lung cancer
  • Prevent the cataract and help to the protect the crystal textile fiber part of eye
  • Prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • Promote bone and tooth growth
  • Contribute to healthy of skin and hair
  • formation and maintenance of mucous membrane
  • Increases the human body to breathe resistivity of the infection
  • When externally applies, it can contribute to the treatment of sore Block, a small septic herpes, boil, carbuncle and ulcer
  • Contribute to emphysema, thyroid function Kang's disease treatment

This shows that, β-carotene is the anti-cancer, prevention of heart disease and cataract. It also can defense the problem of eye and immune.



Lycopene is a naturally carotenoids that found in plant, fruits and vegetables. Tomatoes, pink grapefruit, guava and watermelon contains lycopene, in particular, especially tomato the content of lycopene is highest. Lycopene is a natural pigment, Therefore causes the tomato, the watermelon and the red grapefruit can shown the red. Lycopene is due to the color of the carbon conjugated double bonds (means that single and double bond structure of the emerging interactive). Which reduces the double bond jumped to a high-energy electronic bands needed for energy, so that the molecules absorb longer wavelengths of visible light. The lycopene absorbs the majority visible light, therefore is red.

Our bodies will not be manufacture lycopene by our self. Lycopene is a fat-soluble substance, when we eat food containing lycopene, chylomicrons in the small intestine will carry lycopene arrives at all part of our body's by infuse of blood.

Lycopene is also a very strong Antioxidants

Lycopene is also a very strong antioxidants, it will cause the unable affect, before let the free radical injury cell, and against many types of degradation (aging) disease. The free radical is heart disease, cancer and the aged prime culprit and will promote clogged arteries, bone and the degradation of the nervous system. The main cause of skin aging is caused by ultra-violet light from the singlet oxygen; the lycopene is the most powerful device to prevent the singlet oxygen. In the anti-oxidation, such as 5-10mg daily consumption of lycopene will significantly increase the amount of lycopene in serum and also will reduces the fat and the protein oxidation. Fat and protein oxidation are harmful to the human body。

Lycopene may resist the oxidation of LDL cholesterol; reduce incidence of coronary artery disease and also reduce the incidence of prostate cancer. Further research believed that lycopene may lower the eyes of macular degeneration, lipid oxidation of blood and lung, bladder, cervix and a variety of skin cancer. Lycopene can also reduce heart disease, UV damage and skin cancer.

Lycopene is the best supplement for Anti Cancer

Some study pointed out that lycopene may reduce the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, colon and rectal cancer. Other report also shows that lycopene may also reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. In addition, lycopene can inhibit the proliferation of colon cancer and on prostate cancer; it also can prevent the formation of lung cancer.

Lycopene supplement can help the body prevent variety of diseases caused by free radicals. The anti-free radical system of body will increase with age and growing recession, so we must added antioxidants to reduce the incidence of the disease and Enhancement physical strength and endurance. Lycopene may also lower the plasma cholesterol levels. There are also studies that lycopene-containing food products could reduce cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and the risk of male infertility.

At present looks like, the lycopene is the good dietary supplement for anti-cancer (inhibition) and anti-cancer.



"Lutein" (Xanthophyll) also known as the plant lutein, and also one kind of Carotene that coexist in the nature with the zeaxanthin. Lutein is present in a wide range of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and other natural substances in plants.

For example, in spinach, or in a variety of fruits, wheat and egg also contains certain amount of lutein. Based on medical experiments, is proven that lutein is a natural performance of antioxidants. By adding certain amount of lutein in the food can prevent aging of our body organs. At the same time also the prevention of AMD (age-related macular degeneration) caused by eyesight failing and blindness. Not only so, lutein also found as a dye in the nature way.

Lutein is important natural way of antioxidant

Lutein also has been proven is one of the important natural ways of "antioxidant". The research discovered lutein also one of the most effective ingredients of suppression of fat peroxidation. This kind of oxidation occurred in the eye and blood, the oxidation will produces the free radical that destroys the cell and cause series of cell aging degradation of the culprits of disease and even cancer. Lutein is the one to resist this free radical oxidation damage, especially in the retina and crystalline lens of the eye. The research indicates that an increase your recommended daily amount of lutein may reduce, delay, the aging of the eye degradation. However, lutein is not synthesized by the human body itself and it must be absorbed from food.

Suggested that the average person daily should take 6-10 mg (approximately two rice bowl's vegetables) of lutein, base on the duration use time of the eyes, living habits, pollution and other various factors. Patient may need to increase the intake of lutein, but should follow base on doctor’s advice (recommended maximum intake of up to 20mg one day). But the majority of people have not taken sufficiency amount of lutein from the daily meals. Therefore many of the short-sighted people are taking lutein, including the prevention of myopia for children. A part of this, patient with xerophthalmia, those worker that use computer long time, a high degree of myopia, diabetic retinopathy, ADM patient, people had just received short laser, should be take more lutein as well.

  1. Lutein for Eye care

    Lutein is an important component of the macular in the retina of the yellow film and is a protection of the retina. When lack of lutein, it will cause the yellow spot degeneration and blurred vision easily and appear to deterioration of eyesight, symptoms such as short-sighted. The main physiological function of lutein is as an antioxidants and the protective effect of light. Lutein can absorb a large number of Blue lights, to avoid such a strong light damage. The blue lights wavelength is close to ultraviolet light and it’s wavelength of visible light can reach the retina and cause the biggest danger for eye. Lutein may protect our eyes and reduce AMD (age-related macular degeneration), Cataract, a high degree of myopia retinopathy, Diabetic retinopathy, P.R. (Retinitis pigmentosa), xerophthalmia, and other eyes problem.

  2. The role of antioxidant

    Lutein has strong oxidation that can suppress the active oxygen free radical and prevent reactive oxygen free radicals damage to normal cells. Experiments have shown that reactive oxygen will react with DNA, proteins, lipids and undermine their physiological functions. It will be also trigger such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, age-related chronic diseases such as yellow membrane degeneration occurred. Lutein may through physical or chemical inactivation of the role of quenching singlet oxygen in order to protect the body from harm, and enhance the body's immunity. Lutein can also increase the skin and mucosal tissue of anti-ultraviolet function.

  3. Reduce the incidence of Cataract

    Cataract blindness is a major eye disease some study proved that by increasing the intake of lutein will reduce the incidence of cataract.

  4. Slow down the atherosclerosis

    Lutein may delay effect the atherosclerosis on the beginning stage. It is caused by the relationship between the main artery intima thickness of the main road of change and lutein content in the blood. When the blood lutein content is low, is easy to cause the artery blood vessel wall accumulation. Along with lutein content's gradual increase, the artery wall accumulation tendency reduces; the arterial embolisms also significantly lower. At the same time, artery wall cells in lutein may also reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and also be possible to reduce lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

  5. Anti-Cancer

    Many research indicated that lutein is a disincentive for many types of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, and so on. According to the latest research, in reducing the incidence of breast cancer and intake of lutein have the very close relations. This possible because involves coordination with other organs of the immune indirect. In the dietary intake of lutein is not only able to inhibit cancer it can even play a role in the prevention of cancer and enhance the immune system. Suggested that average per person daily reporter 400g~600g the fruit and vegetable may enable the cancer to reduce the relative risk of 50%.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

ISO (International Organization for Standardization) is the world's largest developer and publisher of International Standards.

ISO is a network of the national standards institutes of 161 countries, one member per country, with a Central Secretariat in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system.

ISO is a non-governmental organization that forms a bridge between the public and private sectors. On the one hand, many of its member institutes are part of the governmental structure of their countries, or are mandated by their government. On the other hand, other members have their roots uniquely in the private sector, having been set up by national partnerships of industry associations.

Therefore, ISO enables a consensus to be reached on solutions that meet both the requirements of business and the broader needs of society.

Why standards matter

Standards make an enormous and positive contribution to most aspects of our lives.

Standards ensure desirable characteristics of products and services such as quality, environmental friendliness, safety, reliability, efficiency and interchangeability - and at an economical cost.

When products and services meet our expectations, we tend to take this for granted and be unaware of the role of standards. However, when standards are absent, we soon notice. We soon care when products turn out to be of poor quality, do not fit, are incompatible with equipment that we already have, are unreliable or dangerous.

When products, systems, machinery and devices work well and safely, it is often because they meet standards. And the organization responsible for many thousands of the standards which benefit the world is ISO.

When standards are absent, we soon notice.

What standards do

ISO standards:

  • make the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner
  • facilitate trade between countries and make it fairer
  • provide governments with a technical base for health, safety and environmental legislation, and conformity assessment
  • share technological advances and good management practice
  • disseminate innovation
  • safeguard consumers, and users in general, of products and services
  • make life simpler by providing solutions to common problems

Who standards benefit

ISO standards provide technological, economic and societal benefits.

For businesses, the widespread adoption of International Standards means that suppliers can develop and offer products and services meeting specifications that have wide international acceptance in their sectors. Therefore, businesses using International Standards can compete on many more markets around the world.

For innovators of new technologies, International Standards on aspects like terminology, compatibility and safety speed up the dissemination of innovations and their development into manufacturable and marketable products.

For customers, the worldwide compatibility of technology which is achieved when products and services are based on International Standards gives them a broad choice of offers. They also benefit from the effects of competition among suppliers.

For governments, International Standards provide the technological and scientific bases underpinning health, safety and environmental legislation.

For trade officials, International Standards create "a level playing field" for all competitors on those markets. The existence of divergent national or regional standards can create technical barriers to trade. International Standards are the technical means by which political trade agreements can be put into practice.

For developing countries, International Standards that represent an international consensus on the state of the art are an important source of technological know-how. By defining the characteristics that products and services will be expected to meet on export markets, International Standards give developing countries a basis for making the right decisions when investing their scarce resources and thus avoid squandering them.

For consumers, conformity of products and services to International Standards provides assurance about their quality, safety and reliability.

For everyone, International Standards contribute to the quality of life in general by ensuring that the transport, machinery and tools we use are safe.

For the planet we inhabit, International Standards on air, water and soil quality, on emissions of gases and radiation and environmental aspects of products can contribute to efforts to preserve the environment.

above info are taken from ISO web http://www.iso.org/

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Naturally Plus - The Company

Naturally Plus is a Japan company that has achieved an annual turnover of USD 350 millions in only 5 years with just a single product and become the Top 5 among 3600 MLM companies in Japan. It has created history by being the enterprise with the fastest growth in Japan’s economic history.

The company is established on 8th March 1999 in Tokyo, Japan. Thereafter, expanded the business to Osaka, Fukuoka and Hokkaido. Currently, Naturally Plus has very grand branches in every parts of Japan.

In 2005, Naturally Plus were voted as Japan’s Top 10 most competitive enterprises of the 21st century. Naturally Plus were also ranked the 4th most successful enterprise out of 100,000 enterprises that contributed to the economic recovery of Japan.
The company is also a large successful Japanese enterprise with zero debt, in similar 3A financial rating as Toyota. Honest management & financial stability are the factors for continuous growth.

In 2003, Naturally Plus launched a branch in Taiwan and currently, having grand offices in Taipei, Taichung & Kaoshiung. Naturally Plus' Taipei office is located in Taipei’s landmark building, Shin Kong Life Tower, with a monthly rental of NT$2 million.
In 2008, to cope with ever-increasing sales turnover and to give members a more comfortable business entrepreneurial environment, Naturally Plus shifted the office to the highest floor of Shin Kong Life Tower, which is the 46th floor observatory. It is the towering floor where one may have a wonderful view of the beautiful scene of the whole of Taipei.

In September 2007, in order to Launch into 120 Countries of the World, Naturally Plus established a grand branch in Hong Kong Admiralty, the heart of Hong Kong business and banking centre.

November 2008, in order to fulfill the promise of “Make Our Dreams Come True & Share Them with The Rest of the World”, Naturally Plus kept its words, by opening a grand branch in Singapore Shenton Way, Singapore’s Business and Banking Centre.

In 2008, Japan’s His Imperial Excellency Prince Tomohito, announced his text speech in Naturally Plus Convention. Japanese Imperial family members never participated in any commercial activities and that speech was unprecedented and history making in Japanese history. This, also represented Japanese Imperial family’s support and approval of Naturally

In the same year, Naturally Plus also formulated The Corporate Declaration of “Next 100 Years Planning”.