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Tuesday, May 5, 2009



"Lutein" (Xanthophyll) also known as the plant lutein, and also one kind of Carotene that coexist in the nature with the zeaxanthin. Lutein is present in a wide range of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and other natural substances in plants.

For example, in spinach, or in a variety of fruits, wheat and egg also contains certain amount of lutein. Based on medical experiments, is proven that lutein is a natural performance of antioxidants. By adding certain amount of lutein in the food can prevent aging of our body organs. At the same time also the prevention of AMD (age-related macular degeneration) caused by eyesight failing and blindness. Not only so, lutein also found as a dye in the nature way.

Lutein is important natural way of antioxidant

Lutein also has been proven is one of the important natural ways of "antioxidant". The research discovered lutein also one of the most effective ingredients of suppression of fat peroxidation. This kind of oxidation occurred in the eye and blood, the oxidation will produces the free radical that destroys the cell and cause series of cell aging degradation of the culprits of disease and even cancer. Lutein is the one to resist this free radical oxidation damage, especially in the retina and crystalline lens of the eye. The research indicates that an increase your recommended daily amount of lutein may reduce, delay, the aging of the eye degradation. However, lutein is not synthesized by the human body itself and it must be absorbed from food.

Suggested that the average person daily should take 6-10 mg (approximately two rice bowl's vegetables) of lutein, base on the duration use time of the eyes, living habits, pollution and other various factors. Patient may need to increase the intake of lutein, but should follow base on doctor’s advice (recommended maximum intake of up to 20mg one day). But the majority of people have not taken sufficiency amount of lutein from the daily meals. Therefore many of the short-sighted people are taking lutein, including the prevention of myopia for children. A part of this, patient with xerophthalmia, those worker that use computer long time, a high degree of myopia, diabetic retinopathy, ADM patient, people had just received short laser, should be take more lutein as well.

  1. Lutein for Eye care

    Lutein is an important component of the macular in the retina of the yellow film and is a protection of the retina. When lack of lutein, it will cause the yellow spot degeneration and blurred vision easily and appear to deterioration of eyesight, symptoms such as short-sighted. The main physiological function of lutein is as an antioxidants and the protective effect of light. Lutein can absorb a large number of Blue lights, to avoid such a strong light damage. The blue lights wavelength is close to ultraviolet light and it’s wavelength of visible light can reach the retina and cause the biggest danger for eye. Lutein may protect our eyes and reduce AMD (age-related macular degeneration), Cataract, a high degree of myopia retinopathy, Diabetic retinopathy, P.R. (Retinitis pigmentosa), xerophthalmia, and other eyes problem.

  2. The role of antioxidant

    Lutein has strong oxidation that can suppress the active oxygen free radical and prevent reactive oxygen free radicals damage to normal cells. Experiments have shown that reactive oxygen will react with DNA, proteins, lipids and undermine their physiological functions. It will be also trigger such as cancer, arteriosclerosis, age-related chronic diseases such as yellow membrane degeneration occurred. Lutein may through physical or chemical inactivation of the role of quenching singlet oxygen in order to protect the body from harm, and enhance the body's immunity. Lutein can also increase the skin and mucosal tissue of anti-ultraviolet function.

  3. Reduce the incidence of Cataract

    Cataract blindness is a major eye disease some study proved that by increasing the intake of lutein will reduce the incidence of cataract.

  4. Slow down the atherosclerosis

    Lutein may delay effect the atherosclerosis on the beginning stage. It is caused by the relationship between the main artery intima thickness of the main road of change and lutein content in the blood. When the blood lutein content is low, is easy to cause the artery blood vessel wall accumulation. Along with lutein content's gradual increase, the artery wall accumulation tendency reduces; the arterial embolisms also significantly lower. At the same time, artery wall cells in lutein may also reduce the oxidation of LDL cholesterol and also be possible to reduce lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

  5. Anti-Cancer

    Many research indicated that lutein is a disincentive for many types of cancer, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, and so on. According to the latest research, in reducing the incidence of breast cancer and intake of lutein have the very close relations. This possible because involves coordination with other organs of the immune indirect. In the dietary intake of lutein is not only able to inhibit cancer it can even play a role in the prevention of cancer and enhance the immune system. Suggested that average per person daily reporter 400g~600g the fruit and vegetable may enable the cancer to reduce the relative risk of 50%.

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